Passport Renewal

Save time and money by using the Passport Check & Send service at any of our Post Office & UOE Stores.

  • Passport renewal

    Do I need a new passport?

    It doesn’t matter if you’re planning a European city break, going on a Caribbean cruise, going on a ski-ing holiday or spending a fortnight lounging on a beach, there’s one thing you will definitely need – an up-to-date passport!

    So if you are planning a holiday, check your passport now. If it’s less than nine months before the expiry date, renew it now and save yourself a lot of bother, or even panic, by putting the task off until nearer the time.

  • Passport check & send

    Passport Validation

    If you’re travelling outside Europe, it is actually a requirement of many countries that your passport is valid for more than six months after your date of entry. So it’s more important than ever to check yours is in date now, or you risk not being allowed entry.

    To find out if this six-month restriction applies to the country you’re hoping to visit, check the entry requirements on the Foreign Travel Advice section of

  • New passport

    Post Office Check & Send

    Possibly the easiest and safest way to renew your passport is to use the Digital Check & Send service at your local Post Office. For a small fee, you will get peace of mind that everything about your application is correct, potentially saving time having to change any errors or make amendments – which could turn out to be a lengthy process! Our trained Post Office counter staff will complete your application for you on our instore tablet and ensure you have the right documentation and that your photos are acceptable (we can take them instore for you) – the majority of passport applications and renewals that are initially rejected are because of the quality of the photos or incomplete documentation.

    Once the Check & Send staff are happy that your application is in order, your documents will be sent to the Passport Office by Special Delivery for added security.

    If you prefer to do a paper application, we can also “check and send” these instore too.

    Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Checks
    All of our UOE Post Offices can carry out DBS ID verification. Just bring your barcode, QR code or letter to the branch along with the identity documents and we can process your application – no appointment required. Some applications are free, some are charged. The costs should be shown on the email or letter you received from the ID checking company. You must bring original documents, photographs, scans of screenshots will not be acceptable.

    Document Certification and Verification
    All of our UOE Post Offices can carry out document verification. Just bring your original documents along with a photocopy of them (or you can copy them in store for a fee). We will then check and certify the documents immediately  – no appointment required. The cost of this service varies depending on the number of documents certified. You must bring original documents, photographs, scans of screenshots will not be acceptable.

    PCO Taxi and Private Hire (TFL) Licencing
    At our Stoke Newington branch we can process Taxi and Private Hire licencing applications for new drivers and renewals. You must bring your fully complete application form, medical certificate (if required) and any additional documentation you have been told to supply. This may include your driving licence, passport, existing TFL licence, birth certificate, proof of English skills. All documents must be presented as originals – not copies or screenshots.


    Pick up an application form next time you’re in.

  • urgent passport

    Urgent Passport Renewal

    Of course, if you have waited until the very last minute to renew your passport, you’ll need to use the one-day Premium or one-week Fast Track service at your nearest Government centre, and pay the extra costs this will involve. Click here to find out more details and your nearest centre.

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